Hi there! Welcome to Baby Buck. 

My name is Victoria, and I accidentally created Baby Buck while studying at University. 

Baby Buck started as a hobby, where I created an Instagram account to document all the baked goods I would create. Before creating vintage cakes, I would often bake cakes or cupcakes for friends and family birthdays, alongside brownies, cookies, and pretty much everything buttery and sweet. I have always had a passion for food, particularly sweet treats (baked goods mostly), and it has followed me throughout my life. My baking journey particularly took off during the second COVID lockdown here in New Zealand. My 'FYP' was filled with vintage cakes, and it was something I hadn't tried out before. The intricate icing detailings instantly took my interest, and I was mesmerised! So eventually, I gave myself a hand at decorating a vintage cake, and from then onwards, I continued practicing in an effort to refine my skills and live up to the Pinterest-worthy cakes plastered all over #baketok. 

After consistently documenting my cake journey on Instagram, I got my very first order! I still remember my first customer; it was a surreal feeling, and every cake from then til now still is. Until August 2023, I was a full-time uni student, making cakes alongside my degree as a part-time job. After contemplating whether to pursue a career in my degree, I have decided to follow my passion for vintage cakes/baking! 

Thank you for joining me on my ride. I can't wait to see where it leads me 

Read More - Fashion Quarterly Article

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